Lesson to be paid in full at the time of booking.
Please aim to give us 48 hours heads-up if you need to rearrange, or we may have to charge you.
We reserve the right to rearrange your lesson.
Please let us know if you have any relevant medical conditions before your first session. This includes any water phobia.
Refunds may be given at the discretion of The Swim Shed.
We understand that circumstances can change, therefore, any refund will be based on sessions already taken, charged at the 'per session' rate minus administration costs.
This will appear in your bank account within 28 days of an agreed refund.
Please bring along goggles, swim cap, swimsuit, budgie smugglers/jammers & flip-flops (as we don't want you slipping and face planting on ya way to the loo). Having said that, we love it when you forget them because you can buy them from us on the day!
To avoid unnecessary oil slicks in the pool, come as 'au naturel' as possible and abandon your make up & moisturising routine!!
Gift vouchers are valid for 6 months from the date of purchase and may be redeemed against lessons or products