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Summer Recess

With the Friday night drop in swim sessions finished now until September, there is a host of other stuff going on through July and August if you need a Sheddie ‘fix’!

Join the ever growing shoal of Sheddies swimming at Box End throughout the week. The water is warm and clean as is the banter in the bar afterwards!? If you haven’t been before and would prefer to buddy up with someone, get in touch and we will let you know who is going to be there and look out for you.

Sheddie, Jenny Emanuel, is having lessons up at The Swim Shed and has asked if there is anyone who she could buddy up with to practice at the pool who is also learning T.I.? She is in the Bedfordshire / North Hertfordshire area. Her email is

Phil & Jo let us know of a night swim that is taking place this Friday 27th June at the Tri20 Swim Centre, Reading. There is a half Moon swim 750m and a Full Moon swim 1500m, with everyone getting a night swim medal at the finish! See more details at Sounds like a giggle!

If that’s not your thang then how about this, sent through from our Sheddie cousin in Canada…

…yep…a mass nude swim?! Each to their own…

Sunday 6th July 2-5 pm Open Afternoon at The Swim Shed. Pop along for swimming advice over drinks and nibbles. Bring your budgie smugglers / cozzie and have some coaching / feedback in the pool. Everyone welcome.

Sunday 13th July Group bike ride lead by the lovely Hanson’s from Winslow…9am start. A gentle 50 miler with a pitstop and banter en route!

Sunday 20th July Group run lead by Jo & Mel off-roading & monkeying around Woburn Safari Park! A relaxed 13 miler with a 9.30 am start.

Best of everything to all those competing out in Ironman Austria this weekend and to Emily Campbell next weekend as she takes on Ironman Frankfurt!

We shall be heading to the sunny, Scottish highlands tomorrow (!!), along with Kevin – as we are the team support for Sheddie Mark Sutton who is competing in the gruelling extreme triathlon that is The Celtman!!

Stay in touch over the summer, it’s always lovely to hear from you. If you are planning to join us for the drop in swim sessions in September, Keith has recommended that we all aim to get hold of a tempo trainer, as he is going to do some work with us and them over the winter. Here’s a little summer homework for you…


Jane x

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