Summer Recess
With the Friday night drop in swim sessions finished now until September, there is a host of other stuff going on through July and...

Bitesize Sheddie
Friday 13th…here’s a bite sized update to keep you in the LOOP. Cyprus based Sheddie, Mark Hutchinson (left), having just won the Pathos...

Two weeks today is the last drop in swim session. We will break for the long, hot summer on Friday 20th June and recommence in September...

Jumping for Joy... or John, or Jackie!
The swim, bike & run season has barely begun – yet the results & race reviews are rolling in! This LOOP is dedicated to all of you who...

Open Water Chills & Thrills
It has been an unusually quiet start to the open water swimming season in our household. That’s not to say that me & he have not been in...

Easter Break
This sunny spell has been enticing many Sheddies into the open water…or maybe it’s just that your event is now in sniffing distance and...

Shed Loads of Floss...
It’s been a privilege over the last few weeks to be up a ladder or on my hands and knees painting up at The Swim Shed. Yes, a privilege,...

Wild Swimming
Twenty days into March and there are no signs that the pace in the Lewis household is slowing down! Aside from business as usual our...

Swim Guru Visits Swim Shed!
Can’t believe it’s Friday again already tomorrow, I think having Pancake Day in March has thrown me this week?!! Me & He are scooting on...

Swim, bike & run...
Sooo, it’s the final Friday in February and as we spring in to March this weekend – the rubber really does meet the road… After a weeks...